It always feels good to find a new opportunity to make more money. One of them which has serves me very well this one month is MyPayingAds. Here, I want to share with you my exciting journey with MyPayingAds to date:
NB: If you want to join as my referral and get RCB, just click on the MyPayingAds banner beside.
26 December 2015
It has been almost 2 weeks since my last update. I have earned $427.04 in my share and that is 4 times my deposit! I have also maxed out Adpack Plan 1 of which some were expired several weeks ago and continue to purchase Adpack Plan 2 which I also plan to max out before moving up. At this point, Mypayingads face some problems with Paypal and I hope it gets resolved soon as Paypal is my payment processor which I also use to pay RCB to my referrals.
NB: If you want to join as my referral and get RCB, just click on the MyPayingAds banner beside.
26 December 2015
It has been almost 2 weeks since my last update. I have earned $427.04 in my share and that is 4 times my deposit! I have also maxed out Adpack Plan 1 of which some were expired several weeks ago and continue to purchase Adpack Plan 2 which I also plan to max out before moving up. At this point, Mypayingads face some problems with Paypal and I hope it gets resolved soon as Paypal is my payment processor which I also use to pay RCB to my referrals.